Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Operation Christmas Child update!!
To God be the GLORY!!!!!!
Our church has collected 125 shoeboxes and is in the process of collecting all the stuff to fill them up. We were praying and wondering how we would be able to pay for the shipping. Each box costs $7 to ship and we wanted to send the money with the boxes. That's $875 that we didn't have. We decided to do a fundraiser for 3 Sundays. After the second one, we had enough to ship only 58. We prayed and asked the Lord to get his hand in it and do what he would. Well, after the next Sunday, I am HAPPY and PRAISING THE LORD and EXCITED to report that we have collected enough money to ship ALL 125 boxes. But wait, there is more. We actually have about $300 left over! So we will be able to purchase more to fill the boxes, and if we have an abundance, we will be able to send more than 125.
I just gotta say that the LORD is good. His mercies endure forever. He cares about every hair on our head, and even more, he cares about every child on this earth. He cares about their needs, yes, but he cares also about their hearts. He promised that he would not leave them as orphans, but that he would come to them. Every orphan has a father, and is not a spiritual orphan. I pray that every box sent over helps these children realize that very truth. We may be sending them an earthly gift. But my prayer is that it will be the vessel to show them that our heavenly Father has given them a spiritual gift.........A SAVIOR. One that will never leave or forsake them. One that will wrap his loving arms around them. I don't know what it is like to live in a third world country. To live in extreme poverty. I would imagine that feeling secure, feeling loved, and feeling safe is something these kids truly long for. I pray that the God I serve will use these boxes to wrap his loving arms around each child and show them they are loved. They are valued. They are God's treasure.
Do you want to be a part of this? Let me say that no one will ever give you recognition. No child will ever tell you "thank you." No one will give you a metal or a blue ribbon. No one will put you on Oprah and make you a public display of what a good person does. Your fulfillment from this will come from within your heart. It will come from YOU and GOD. You will know that someone somewhere is smiling, is laughing, has a little joy in their life. All because you gave unselfishly, wanting no recognition. Just doing something out of the kindness of your heart. Doing something that has NOTHING to do with you and your life. Selfless. It ain't all about us. The bible tells us so. And God has to hit us over the head with a two-by-four sometimes to get this point across. Do we listen, or just put a bandaid on it? Let's listen.
To join with me and my church, you can do 2 things.......do a box by yourself. Send it by yourself. If you want to do this, here is the link for more information...
Operation Christmas Child
If you want to join with me, send me an email! I would love to hear from you. You can also send stuff to me to fill the boxes, or cash for me to do the buying. Whatever it is, I know there are people out there that would love to participate. Here is my email and my address.
Amy Adkins
5644 S Ingalls St
Littleton, CO 80123
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